About Us

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Brazilian biotechnology company

The Explante was born in 1998 from the initiative of two undergraduate students, with a desire to create a company that produces in vitro seedlings. After 3 years of dedication and hard work, it was consolidated in 2001 in the city of Mogi Mirim.

Since its inception the company has been producing seedlings to meet a growing demand from several producers and companies that need the cloning service for the formation of high quality seedlings.

Initially focused on serving the ornamental market, but over the years it has been specializing in providing service and production of clonal sugar cane seedlings, and other species of commercial interest.

The seedlings are produced in a Biofabrica that uses the most modern technologies and equipment, under controlled conditions that multiply the materials in large scale and are subjected to acclimatization in a protected environment, thus guaranteeing a uniform, healthy and quality seedling.

Currently the Explante has an installed capacity to produce another 5 million seedlings in vitro, with 3 production blocks, all of them equipped with halls, growth and bioreactors, to attend different projects, in addition to acclimatization units of seedlings with greenhouses automated systems and growth greenhouses for the different phases of the seedling production process and finally the rustification yards for the preparation of the seedlings to be sent to the clients.

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